Upcoming Event: City, Religion, Capitalism – Film and Discussion (October 2nd, Whitechapel Gallery London)

Alexander Kluge and Richard Sennett, Film and Discussion Season: City, Religion, Capitalism: Turning Points of Civilisation
Thursday 2 October, 6.30pm – 9.15pm
Friday 3 October, 6.30pm – 9.15pm
Saturday 4 October, 6.30pm – 9.15pm
Sunday 5 October, 11am – 8.30pm

Whitechapel Gallery
77-82 Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7QX

(Priced individually, weekend pass £30/£25 concession.)
German author and film-maker Alexander Kluge and Richard Sennett introduce their new project over a whole weekend, including discussions, three new feature-length essay films and an eight hour epic.
City, Religion, Capitalism: Turning Points for Civilisation. These three concepts are essential to an understanding of contemporary societies. Inextricably linked with one another, they are central catalysts in the history of civilisation.
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1 October 2014: Screening of the film presented by Alexander Kluge
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Alexander Kluge at UCL

3 October: Screening of recent works by Alexander Kluge
11 October: Workshop on the works of Alexander Kluge and Oskar Negt
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Recommended Book

book-smallIf Marx’s opus Capital provided the foundational account of the forces of production in all of their objective, machine formats, what happens when the concepts of political economy are applied not to dead labor, but to its living counterpart, the human subject? The result is Alexander Kluge and Oskar Negt’s History and Obstinacy, a groundbreaking archaeology of the labor power that has been cultivated in the human body over the last two thousand years. Supplementing classical political economy with the insights of fields ranging from psychoanalysis and phenomenology to evolutionary anthropology and systems theory, History and Obstinacy reaches down into the deepest strata of unconscious thought, genetic memory, and cellular life to examine the complex ecology of expropriation and resistance.
First published in German 1981, and never before translated into English, this epochal collaboration between Kluge and Negt has now been edited, expanded, and updated by the authors in response to global developments of the last decade to create an entirely new analysis of “the capitalism within us.
576 Pages
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–> Order at the MIT
–> Order at Amazon.com

Related Films

► City, Religion, Capitalism: Recording of the event at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin (with english subtitles)
stadt-religion-kapitalismusStadt, Religion, Kapitalismus – drei Grundsätze, ohne die sich unsere heutigen Gesellschaften nicht begreifen lassen. Untrennbar miteinander verknüpft sind sie zentrale Katalysatoren in der Geschichte der Zivilisation.
Alexander Kluge und Richard Sennett lassen diese elementaren Prinzipien in drei Podiumsgesprächen von Experten verhandeln. Ausgehend von den ersten städtischen Siedlungen des Zweistromlandes, dem geschichtsphilosophischen Begriff der „Achsenzeit“ und dem Frühkapitalismus knüpfen sie Verbindungen zu Gegenwart und Zukunft. Welchen Herausforderungen müssen sich Städte künftig global stellen? In welchem Licht erscheint unser heutiges Verständnis vom Selbst und der Welt vor dem Hintergrund aktueller religiöser Auseinandersetzungen? Und wohin steuern uns die derzeitigen kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssysteme?
Speziell zusammengestellte thematische Filmprogramme von Alexander Kluge, die im HKW ihre Weltpremiere feiern, gehen den Gesprächen voraus.
In Kooperation mit der Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft

Related Movie Collection

News from the ideological antiquity and the great war, city, religion, capitalism and the grapes of truth. All films with english subtitles.