News from the Great War, 1. October 2014, Goethe Institut London (Audio Coverage)

In an evening of screenings, readings and discussion, Alexander Kluge, one of Germany’s most significant and versatile intellectual figures since the 1960s, presented his film News from the Great War 1914–1918. He also read selected short stories and talked with Germanist and film historian Martin Brady of King’s College London about his work.

Recommended Book

book-smallIf Marx’s opus Capital provided the foundational account of the forces of production in all of their objective, machine formats, what happens when the concepts of political economy are applied not to dead labor, but to its living counterpart, the human subject? The result is Alexander Kluge and Oskar Negt’s History and Obstinacy, a groundbreaking archaeology of the labor power that has been cultivated in the human body over the last two thousand years. Supplementing classical political economy with the insights of fields ranging from psychoanalysis and phenomenology to evolutionary anthropology and systems theory, History and Obstinacy reaches down into the deepest strata of unconscious thought, genetic memory, and cellular life to examine the complex ecology of expropriation and resistance.
First published in German 1981, and never before translated into English, this epochal collaboration between Kluge and Negt has now been edited, expanded, and updated by the authors in response to global developments of the last decade to create an entirely new analysis of “the capitalism within us.
576 Pages
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News from the ideological antiquity and the great war, city, religion, capitalism and the grapes of truth. All films with english subtitles.

Sehen Sie dazu auch auf

Der Weltkrieg von 1914 bis 1918 enthält, wie ein Laboratorium, die Erfahrung darüber, wie ein ganzes Jahrhundert durch einen Zivilisationsbruch entgleist. Wer sagt uns, dass das 21. Jahrhundert nicht ebenfalls entgleisen kann? Eventuell aus anderen Gründen als 1914?
► Der Erste Weltkrieg auf (32 Filme)
–> Der Erste Weltkrieg (Magazinbeitrag)